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Viktor Neuman (rođen 28 Oktobra, 1953.) poznati je rumunski istoričar, politički analitičar i profesor na Zapadnom Universitetu u Tamišvaru. Bavi se savremenim kulturnim i intelektualnim zbivanjima Istočne i centralne Evrope, sa posebnim akcentima na istraživanja interkulturalizma i multikulturalizma. U mnogim njegovim radovima je reč o Jevrejsko – Rumunskim odnosima, istoriji antisemitizma, kao i temama vezanim za nacionalizam.
Rođen u jevrejskoj porodici u Lugožu. Diplomirao na Univerzitetu u Kluž-Napoki, 1976. i doktorirao iz istorije na Univerzitetu u Bukureštu 1992. Bio je lektor na Zapadnom Katoličkom univerzitetu[1] u Anžeru (1999.), na Emori Univerzitetu u Atlanti, i na državnom univerzitetu u Džordžiji u Atensu, Džordžija (1999.), u Nacionalnom centru za obuku za spoljne poslove[2] u Vašingtonu (2001.) i na Univerzitetu u Beču (2003 – 2004). Od 1995 – 1997. bio je na specijalističkim studijama u SAD-u , a od 2000-2001 imao je Fulbrajtovu stipendiju (na Američkom Katoličkom Univerzitetu).
Neuman je takođe bio na čelu istraživanja u Školi za visoke studije u Parizu[3] i bio je predavač u nekoliko institucija visokog obrazovanja (Vudrov Vilson Internacionalni Centar za naučnike[4], na Kolumbija Univerzitetu, u Londonskoj školi Slavonskih i istočno Evropskih Studija, i na Udinskom Univerzitetu.
Profesor Dr Viktor Neumann je stekao akademsko obrazovanje sredinom 70-ih godina na Univerzitetu Babes-Bolyai u Klužu, u Transilvaniji, jedna od najistaknutijih (verovatno sada i čelna) visokoskolska ustanova u Rumuniji.
Kao retko kome drugom u njegovoj generaciji, Viktoru Nojmanu je čin apsolviranja univerziteta predstavljao samo pocetak afirmisanja i samo-usavrsavanja u profesionalnoj struci. Professor je bio bibliotekar, muzeograf, professor gimnazije, istazivački kadar, manadžer visokoškolske i istraživacke delatnosti, prvorazredni ekspert u visokoškolskoj strategiji reforme univerzitetskog obrazovanja, ministarski savetnik za školstvo i koordinator naucnih i strucnih programa za usavrsavanje naucnog - obrazovnog osoblja u Vladi Rumunije – a i u raznim medjunarodnim stručnim ustanovama visokoškolskog i obrazovnog profila.
Mozda je osnovna crta intelektualnog profila dr-a Nojmana izuzetno snažna (čak i u nacionalnim okvirima istorijske nauke) kreativnost. Profesor Nojman je izuzetno stvaralački obdaren i radno-vredan, pravi nosilac novih tokova u rumunskoj istoriografiji danas. On je kreator i idejni lider novih pravaca na prostoru konceptualne istorije u Rumuniji, koja se razvija i širi kroz Doktorsku skolu strucnog usavrsavanja; prvenac na rumunskom obrazovnom prostoru, škola na svetskim jezicima, koju je neumorni dr Nojman stvorio na Zapadnom univerzitetu u Temisvaru, uz saradnju Tehničkog univerziteta u Aahenu i stručnih kadrova sa najuglednijih zapadnoevropskih i americkih univerziteta.
Prisutnima na predavanjima, seminarima i stručnim kolokvijalnim raspravama na Visokoj doktorskoj temišvarskoj školi, stvara se utisak potpune integracije u najsavremenije tokove istorijske misli današnjice.
Pred našim se očima, upravo sada, uobličava Nova temišvarska istoriografska škola, čija je centralna ličnost nas prof. Nojman. Njegove su zasluge takođe prvorazredne i u promovisanju rumunske istorijske misli u naučnom svetu današnjice.
Ako Bukurest sada ističe primer akademika Razvana Teodoresku-a (inace stručnog mentora dr-a Nojmana) ili Kluž lik istoričara i člana SAO Kamila Murešana, smatramo da je, momentalno, Temišvar u prednosti, nudeći nam izuzetno kreativnu i ka svetskim strujenjima nauke i obrazovanja otvorenu i komunikativnu, snažnu, stvaralačku, u punom afirmisanju, ličnost profesora dr-a Viktora Nojmana.
[1] Universite Catholique de l’Ouest [2] National Foreign Affairs Training Center [3] Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes [4] Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Permanent address: Bd. Dragalina • 24/20 Timisoara-300162 •RomaniaTel/ Fax: ++40-256-49.62.98 Mobile: (004) 0723 59 53 99 E-mail: vneumann@mail.dnttm.ro
§ Personal details Date of birth: October 28, 1953 Place of birth: Lugoj, Banat, Romania Citizenship: Romanian
Key Qualifications/ Major Courses Taught:
· Majority and Minorities in Contemporary Romania; Interculturality and Multiculturalism; · Modern and Contemporary European History and Modern and Contemporary Romanian History; · History of Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe; · Jewish History in East-Central Europe; · International Relations and Diplomacy
§ Permanent position in home university: § § As of 2000 Professor of Modern European and Romanian History and of History of Political Thought West University of Timisoara, Romania Department of Letters, History and Theology
As of 2002 Jean Monnet Professor of History of the European Idea at the West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Letters and History
As of 2002 Director of Doctoral School of History, the West University of Timisoara
As of 2003 Director of the interdisciplinary MA program of “Culture and Management”, the West University of Timisoara
1972-1976 B.A. in History and Social Sciences - “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj, Romania
1990-1992 Ph.D. in History - University of Bucharest, Romania Title of the Thesis: The Genesis of the Modern Ideas in Central and Southeastern Europe (1750-1850). § § Professional Experience in Romania:
March 2006 – to date Visiting Professor – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, Department of European Studies and International Relations 2006- Visiting professor - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters / New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania, March 2006- July 2006.
October 2005 – to date Visiting Professor – National University of Arts, Bucharest
June 2000 – date Professor of History (tenured) -- Department of Letters, History and Theology, West University of Timisoara, Romania.
1998-2000 Associate Professor of History -- Department of Letters and History, West University of Timisoara, Romania.
1999-2000 Associate Professor of History of Political Thought --Department of Political Sciences and Communication, West University of Timisoara, Romania.
1998-2000 Visiting Professor -- “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Architecture, beginning with October 1998 through 2000; lectured to postgraduate students.
1998-1999 Associate Professor of History - Department of Journalism, Tibiscus University, Timisoara, Romania.
1994-1998 Senior researcher - Institute of Educational Sciences, Timişoara Branch.
1994-1998 Visiting Professor of History, Department of Letters, Philosophy and History, West University of Timisoara.
1994-1996 Director – The Intercultural Institute of Timişoara (set-up by the Council of Europe).
1992-1994 Senior Researcher – The Romanian Academy -- Institute of Social Theory, Bucharest.
1992-1994 Visiting professor – Department of Letters, Philosophy and History, West University of Timisoara.
1990-1992 Counselor/Adviser of the Minister of Culture on minority rights issues – Ministry of Culture, The Romanian Government, Bucharest.
1990-1992 Visiting Professor – Department of Literature, University of Bucharest, Romania
1990-1992 Visiting Professor – Department of Letters, Philosophy and History, West University of Timisoara.
1987-1989 Researcher – The Banat County Museum, Timisoara.
1981-1985 High school teacher – “Eftimie Murgu” Pedagogical High School, “C.D. Loga High School, Timisoara.
International Teaching Experience:
· Visiting professor (professeur invitée) - Université d’Angers - France, Faculty of Languages, Letters and Humanities; October 1999; July, 2004.
· Visiting professor at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Institut for East-European Studies (Institut für Osteuropaische Geschichte); Vienna, Austria; October 1, 2003 – February 1, 2004.
· Visiting professor (Directeur d’étude invitée) at Sorbonne, Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes; Paris, France; March 1-31, 2003.
· Fulbright postdoctoral scholar – fellowship granted by the United States Department of State to lecture and research at the The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy, Washington, D.C. (SUA) (September 1, 2000- September 12, 2001); Topic of research: Nation-State and Ethnic Minorities in East-Central Europe. The Case of Romania
· Visiting lecturer - Lecture on the topic: Romanian Policy Toward NATO and EU Integration, United States Department of State- National Foreign Affairs Training Center – Foreign Service Training Institute, in Washington, D.C., June 20, 2001 for future diplomats preparing for service in Romania and Moldova.
· Visiting lecturer - Lecture on the topic: Current Political Situation in Romania, United States Department of State - National Foreign Affairs Training Center – Foreign Service Training Institute, Washington, D.C., January 17, 2001 for future diplomats preparing for service in Romania and Moldova.
· Visiting Professor – Université d’Angers - France, Faculty of Letters, Languages and Human Sciences , 1999; 2004.
· Visiting Professor – in 10 universities and colleges of Georgia State (U.S.A.): State University of West Georgia; Emory University; Atlanta University of Georgia, Athens; Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville; East Georgia College, Swainsboro; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro; Valdosta State University, Valdosta; Albany State University, Albany; Georgia Southwestern State University, Americus; Columbus State University, Columbus; -- April 5-28, 1999.
Topic of the lectures included: 1. Historical Roots of the Contemporary Conflicts in Bosnia and Kosovo 2.The Genesis of the Nation-State in Central and Eastern Europe. The Role of the “Volksgeist” Concept; 3. The Ethnic Roots of the Conflicts in Eastern Europe; 4. Current Political Issues in Romania; 5. The 1989 Revolution in Romania; 6. The Jews in Central and Eastern Europe and the Intercultural Idea; 7. Nationalism, Interethnic Conflict and Self-Determination in Eastern Europe.
· Visiting Professor - Postgraduate Course - CEU Summer University: “Jews and Nationalism in the Modern Era” held at the Central European University - Budapest -- 5-23 July 1999. The title of my course was: Romanian Nationalism.
· Visiting Professor - Postgraduate Course – Summer university in political sciences, organized by the Soros Foundation for an Open Society – Bucharest, Sinaia, in September 1997;
§ Grants and Fellowships:
2008 -2012 Volkswagen Foundation – Link Scholar (Timişoara) Teaching in cooperation with University of Aachen (Germany) history of concepts issues to students enrolled at the Doctoral School of History, West Univeersity of Timişoara
March-July, 2006 New Europe College – Link scholar (Bucharest) Purpose of scholarship: teaching contemporary history issues to postgraduate students enrolled at the University of Bucharest May-Sept., 2001 Rosenzweig Scholarship – Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C. Topic of Research: Zionists from Southern Transylvania Deported to Transnistria.
Sept. 2000- Sept. 2001 Fulbright Scholarship – The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy, Washington, D.C. Topic of Research: Nation-State and Ethnic Minorities in East-Central Europe. The Case of Romania.
June-Sept.,1999 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France)-Research Scholarship. Topic of Research: Communism and Fascism in Romania. A Comparative Perspective
Oct.,1999 Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (France) – Research Scholarship. Topic of Research: Contemporary Historiographical Methodology. Fernand Braudel
April, 1999 The National Endowment for Humanities and Social Sciences - Travel grant (USA).
Nov, 1998 CEU Fellowship – Postdoctoral workshop, at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
July, 1997 CEU Fellowship - CEU – Summer University, Budapest, Hungary.
1995-1997 NATO Individual Research Fellowship Topic of research: Civic Education Through an Intercultural Perspective. The Case of Romania
Oct-Nov,1995 University of Vienna, Institut für Ost und Südoseuropaforschung - Research Scholarship.
Sept-Dec 1994 The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences - Postdoctoral Study Fellowship.
June-July, 1993 IREX Research fellowship Washington, USA.
June, 1991 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France)-Research Scholarship.
July, 1990 Soros Fellowship - Summer School in social sciences – Technical University Budapest, Hungary.
Membership in professional and civic bodies:
- International Association for the 18th Century Studies; - International Association of Intercultural Education; - Vice-president of the Timisoara Philharmonic Society (as of 2004) - President of the Timisoara Philharmonic Society (2003-2004) - Member in the editorial board of the “Sfera politicii” review, Bucharest (1993-1997); - Member in the editorial board of the “Studii de istoria Banatului” review edited by the West University of Timisoara, 2002-; - Member in the international scientific board of “Research Papers” review edited by the Human Rights and Conflict Prevention Center, University of Bihač, Bosnia-Herzegovina; - Member of the editorial board of the “Altera” review in Tîrgu Mureş, 2005- ; - Member in the scientific board of the “Habitus” review of the Center for Multicultural Studies, University of Novi-Sad, Yugoslavia.
· 1993: The “A.D. Xenopol” Prize of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, granted for the book entitled: Tentaţia lui Homo Europaeus. Geneza spiritului modern in Europa centrală şi de sud-est /The Temptation of Homo Europaeus. The Genesis of the Modern Ideas in Central and South-eastern Europe, Bucharest: Ştiinţifică Publishing House, 1991; Columbia University Press, 1993. · 2002: The Chevalier title conferred by the President of Romania for outstanding contribution in culture, arts and sciences · 2006: Honorary Citizen Award granted by the Mayor of Timişoara
Language Skills:
Romanian - mother tongue; Hungarian – fluent French - fluent; English - fluent; German – fluent
· Political annalist/commentator for local and national newspapers, TV and radio Broadcasts in Romania, the USA (Radio Voice of America). · European Union programs evaluator (for programs managed by the Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society, Bucharest, Romania; and British Council Romania). · Knowledge of the Central, Eastern and Southeastern European area through living, working, researching, and traveling in the region (Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland, Austria, Germany).
Последња измена: jun-24 |